Best Friend


Monday, January 11, 2010

What is This?

Being my first post, I will be covering most everything that occupies my mind throughout the days in and out. When I say everything, that means all of the many subjects that there is, including food, entertainment, and my own writings, along with some miscelleneous subjects. I will NOT cover politics in any blogs of mine, as it is covered enough throughout the news, social enviroment, and in general interaction with other human beings.

To start, I'll just let you know who I am. My name is Chris (a.k.a. Fieryair), a gamer, writer, student, and athlete. Most of what I do and say is neutral, but I tell all sides of whatever it may be I'm talking about (unless, of course, there is only one side). So, prepare yourself.

My writings, which are everything from novels in progress to short poems, are written directly from my thoughts, with no planning involved. Regardless of said, what I say I mean, and do make perfect sense if you keep an open mind. Many people tell me to clear up my works, so to make it easier to read, but that would thus dispose of the work needed to earn that knowladge. I will be posting some works of mine soon, within the next week if all goes to plan.

Along with writing, I write programs. Though I do this in my spare time and am still rather new at it, I enjoy doing the challange! So far I'm at simple animations, but improvement is on its way. I also play video games, which, as common sense tells everyone, are addictive. I play all kinds of games, and love most of them, but the ones I am most active in are First Person Shooter's, MMORPG's (yes... Runescape), and puzzle/stratagie games such as StarCraft. I will post a few blogs about hints and tricks in each of these, and on general video gaming, later. To go along with the subject, music is one of my favorite and most influencing activites. I will listen to most everything, though my favorite genre's are Alternative, Hard Rock, Metal, and Pop.

Finally, what we have all been waiting for, I like food. I can and love to cook, eat what I am given, and typically try new foods often (as long as mayo is not included). Don't ask me for recipies or anything of the sort, as I will never give you them.

A basic blog, about myself, boring, isn't it? I'll try my best for improvments, MATURE suggestions are always appreciated!

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