Best Friend


Monday, January 25, 2010

Pass It On!

Three excerpts, one from a book, one from a song, and the last from a conversation you've had with someone... (any mistakes made are my own, and not the authors)

1 (Book):
The pommel of Rudi's sword clubbed down on his upper arm, and the limb went strengthless despite the tough leather armor. The smaller man staggered back and went to one knee, freezing as the point of the Western longsword flashed to rest just below his chin. The world grew brighter as Rudi used his free hand to push up his visor, but the sword stayed percisely where it was, delicate as a surgeon's scalpel, a tiny trickle of blood sliding down from where it dimpled the weathered, stubbled skin of the other man's throat. The rank-smelling sweat of agony beaded the Cutter's face.
"What's your name?" Rudi said.
The other man showed a little experssion; surprise, and then an iron pride.
"Major Peter Graber, third battalion, Sword of the Prohpet of the Church Universal and Triumphant, tasked with your destruction."
"Well, it seems to be working out the other way round, I'm thinking," Rudi said dryly. "Despite your sticking to my arse like an importunate tick this last long while."
"Kill me, then," he said. "My lifestream will join the Ascended Masters, and yours will be dispersed in the Outer Dark."
Rudi's wrist moved, and the blade flicked off the man's helmet.
"It's easy to kill," he said. "as easy as smashing glass. Any fool can do either. And dying is even simpler. Living well... now that, my friend, is a more difficult matter. Think on that when you wake up."
"Kill me!" the man said, lunging up against the point, before the sheer agony of his broken arm stopped him.
Rudi smiled. "No," he said, and flicked the flat of his sword sideways.
The stroke was percisely judged, though you could never tell exaclty what a head injury would do; at the least, Major Graber would have a set of bad headaches. The man slumped down bonelessly. Rudi sheathed his blade, whistled, caught Epona's bridle as she was about to step on the man's face accidentally-on-purpose--that would rather spoin the lesson--and swung into the saddle.

-The Scourge of God, by S.M. Stirling. Pages 351-352.

2 (Song):
You said you read me like a book, but the pages all are torn and frayed
I'm okay
I'm okay!
I'm okay, now
(I'm okay, now)
But you really need to listen to me
Because I'm telling you the truth
I mean this, I'm okay!
(Trust Me)
I'm not okay
I'm not okay
Well, I'm not okay
I'm not o-freaking-kay
I'm not okay
I'm not okay

-I'm Not Okay (I promise), by My Chemical Romance.

3 (Conversation):

haha! yeah, maybe you should. =)

I don't know... I'm not sure if I'd be safe around you... >.>

......what? you don't trust me? O=)

Should I trust you...? -.^

.......I don't know. Should you? =)

*pokes* Don't get cute on me!


=P But yes, I guess I should. So I guess I do. BUT! Should I trust that you trust that I trust you enough to trust you?

yes. you should

Alright then! Lol. =P

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