Best Friend


Friday, February 19, 2010


My best friend, Maggie, has been having a lot of doubts and tentativness thrown at her, it seems. Maybe it spans from herself and maybe not, but some things are to be told now.

As her parents and siblings so know, I hang out with Maggie a lot. This past week I have, at least. They're wondering, "Why is he doing this? Is it because he likes her?" I don't know if they think that I do, hope I do, or wish I don't. All I can say is, my feelings are my own. Not for sharing (at least not now... too many problems arise from my divulging into details).

The problem is, they believe that if I like her, we're going to end up messing up. Firstly, even if she does like me, it wouldn't matter. Neither of us would let anything happen, simply because we both KNOW from experience what the after affects are. Secondly, I don't plan on luring Maggie, or any girl for that matter, into something against their values, consciencly or not.

To be honest, I don't think I could be any happier with where I'm at in life. (except maybe bring ALL my friends into the same neighborhood and me living in a house, that'd be nice) And boy, I am so glad that I'm happy! It's a rare occurance, me being gloomy, but when it happens it sucks. You would think I want to kill everyone. But, I can say, there is no mask. I am happy, and as long as I still have my awsome friends at my side, I will likely stay that way.

Oh, and by the way, eventually I'll post something OTHER than my life, haha.

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